Multi-Plate Plaques


Fireman Plaque

Firefighter of the year? Ex Chiefs? Ladies auxiliary president? Recognize or chronicle with a multi-plate plaque.

  Item # Description Size Price
A HM42 48 plates on a rectangular solid walnut board with two logos. All logos available. 20"x14" 137.50
B HM33 8 plates on a Maltese cross solid walnut board with logo and fireman figure. Disc logos only. Figure and disc included. 14"x14" 74.00
C HM43 12 plates on a rectangular solid walnut board with one logo and two torches. All logos available. Rescue boat logo shown. 11"x15" 70.00
D HM46 28 plates on a shield style solid walnut board with one logo. All logos available. Logo included. 16"x20" 140.00